What Is It?

The Client Information Database is a computer software application which provides document generation and management functions specifically designed for Family Law and Mediation practices.

Find details for any matter in seconds
Find details for any matter in seconds
Matter Details
Matter Details


The system maintains a centralised list of all client matters handled by the practice, with comprehensive information about the client, other parties, solicitors, courts, counsel, experts etc.



Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.
Easily generate letters to one or more recipients.



This information is then used with the supplied document templates to generate all of the letters and legal forms necessary to manage the matter.



Instant access to all matter related documents
Instant access to all matter related documents



The documents generated are stored in indexed matter folders along with all related correspondence received.




Simply drag and drop incoming documents
Simply drag and drop incoming documents



Incoming emails and scanned documents may be simply dropped into the matter folder or directly imported from Outlook.




The client documents are presented chronologically as a complete file history and are instantly available to every member of the practice.